Friday 10 April 2009


If you're in Cardiff, then Wednesday night is metros night. The best night ever. All your mates, mega cheap drinks (£1.29 doubles!) and free toast if you're there long enough.
All of these things garuantee a good night.
The general layout of a standard night would be, gatekeeper before to have a catch up/debate/bitch.
Followed by this is a stroll to metros, 2 minutes around the corner, hoping that there's no queue, and if there is one, then wishing that you'd got a stamp before going to gatekeeper to avoid the inevitable queue jumpers that generally tend to look like they'd be better suited to oceana/liquid/fucking their sister.
After getting in, walk right the way down to meet and greet all the people you havent seen since school and only ever see there, have a good natter about eachothers lives.
By the time that all of the catching up has finished, its time for a drink, go to the bar with a fiver and get two double vodka paint thinner lemonades. Drink them whilst trying to find the people you came with, stopping on the way to reconverse with old school friends.
Once you find them, its time for another set of drinks, after that everyone fancies a fag, so go outside, rather drunk by this point due to the industrial strength alcohol. Have many epic yet intimate conversations (yes Sam, I stole the phrase).
Usually the next part is pretty much a blur, with random highlights of meeting new people, people crying, people dissapearing. After the blur is the inevitable Chippy lane, the largest and greatst selection of fish and chip shops in the world (well, Wales at least). Then the taxi home with the few that are left and have not left due to unforseen circumstances e.g. illness, comedowns, getting laid, getting lost.

This entry doesn't really belong on this blog, because this blog is meant to be about things in my life that generally aren't easy, where as this, is. Its what I look forward to every week at home, and what I look forward to coming home for.

Actually, scratch that. Thursday mornings are the epitome of not easy.

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