Monday 22 March 2010


Me and my wallet we got issues.

I doubt the saturdays have the same issues that I have with money, seeing as they are a reasonably successful pop band.

To knuckle down to it, I'm poor. Loan comes through in a few weeks and I was thinking that I'll be happy because I'll be temporarily rich again; but then i thought, because its just another loan, iI'm actually getting poorer, but this addition to my poorness makes me able to buy things. So by becoming poorer, I am able to buy things. It baffles me in a way. I do understand it, but when I think of it like that one on my eyebrows goes high and my head starts to hurt.

I'm also having issues with my work, for Research methods I've got to pick a research idea on marketing, but it can't be marketing research. This also baffles me. Its a bit broad too, They've given us a really wide area to choose from which is nice of them, but I think I's find it easier if they just told me a specific area so I could just choose something from that small choice.

For my other work trouble I need to choose a marketing communications campaign from the past few years and assess it... and i just can't think of one. Its bugging me it is. And with both of these things I also have a Law essay to write.

I know I'm just being a little bitch about it and should quit complaining and just be thankful that I don't have any diseases and that im not in Zimbabwe, but oh well, this is what this blog is about. Me being a little whiny bitch.

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